I just made this chili recipe and I LOVE it because it can be made entirely from ingredients you can store in your pantry for several years. As an added bonus, it’s also vegetarian! (Don’t let this turn you off– even without meat, it’s a very hardy soup.) There’s such an emphasis on stockpiling foods that will […]
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5 Self Defense Tools Every Woman Should Own
As a woman, you are more likely to be the victim of a random attack than a man. It’s an unfortunate: Women are typically viewed as “weak” and an “easy target”. That is, until we arm ourselves, beat the crap out of our attackers, and change the stigma. Here are five self defense tools and weapons that can help […]

Prepper Food: Stocking Up at a LDS Home Storage Center
If you’re just beginning your journey of preparations for doomsday, emergency survival, or infrastructure collapse, you’ll be shocked to see a year’s supply of freeze dried food or MREs will set you back several thousands of dollars. There has to be a cheaper way. Fortunately, there is: LDS Welfare Home Storage Centers. About LDS Home Storage […]

Bug Out Survival Food: Bars, MREs, or Freeze Dried?
What kind of food should you pack in your bug out bag or get home bag? Each have their perks: Survival bars are lightweight, freeze dried food lasts for decades, and MREs are tasty. But each has their drawbacks. Which is best for your survival scenario? Option 1 for Bug Out Bag: The Survival Bar Survival […]

7 Reasons to Switch from Tent to Hammock Camping
If you’re an avid hiker and camper, carrying all of the gear necessary for a comfortable night’s sleep in a tent can add substantial weight — unless you want to pay top dollar for a lightweight tent and sleeping bag! Camping in a hammock is versatile, quick, far lighter, and arguably more comfortable. What are […]

The Ultimate Get Home Bag Checklist
What is a “Get Home Bag”? A Get Home Bag is a bag with contents you would need to survive in order to make it home from work, school, or any place that isn’t home. A “Get Home Bag” also assumes that public transportation, convenience stores, and major roadways will be chaotic and overrun. Depending on what […]

How to Conceal Carry as a Woman
Is it just me, or are the majority of popular options for concealed carry just downright awful? I don’t want to carry a special purse for my gun — what if I get mugged and my purse gets stolen before I have time to react? To my surprise, there’s more available than just purses and […]