There’s TONS of good survivalist and prepper information on the web. So, in an attempt to corral this wealth of knowledge, I’m going to round up the best survival/prepper articles each week.
Submit your article: You can submit articles you’ve written or articles you’ve read by listing it in the comments below, or by tweeting it to me at @girlsprepguide. At the end of the week, I’ll promote the articles via Twitter and StumbleUpon.
It wasn’t planned, but the focus of this week’s roundup is on bugging in and emergency food storage.
The Weekly Survivalist Roundup, Issue 2
Week of January 20th
7 Preppers Food Storage Mistakes
by Bushcraft and Survival Skills
In this article, Bushcraft & Survival Skills discusses how most people are so focused on just making sure they have food for when SHTF – they’re not remembering to include some psychological treats (candies), or basic ingredients for cooking, or not having enough variety. If you’re building your food storage pantry, this article is a must-read.
Making Your Own MREs Can Be Satisfying and Cheaper
by JalapenoGal77 on American Preppers Network
Rather than stockpiling wheat and pasta, JalapenoGal talks about how her family preps their own MREs by putting different instant food packets together in a freezerlock bag. After reading this article, you’ll be inspired to create a whole array of yummy MREs for your family!
Food Storage Bug Out Bin
by PrepperGal11
In a short and easy-to-read style, Steph makes a great argument as to why food storage should be treated as a separate entity from the rest of your prepper gear.
Is Your Home a Death Trap?
by Survivalist Mind
Beyond more than an attention-grabbing title, this post from Survivalist Mind explores questions one should ask if they’re planning on “bugging in”. Do you have a fire escape? Do you have a safe room? Is your house fortified?
What did you think of the information in these articles? Is there an article you think should be featured for next week’s survival roundup? Let me know in the comments below!
Image courtesy of American Preppers Network.
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