There’s TONS of good survivalist and prepper information on the web. So, in an attempt to corral this wealth of knowledge, I’m going to round up five of the best survival/prepper articles each week.
Submit your article: You can submit articles you’ve written or articles you’ve read by listing it in the comments below, or by tweeting it to me at @girlsprepguide. At the end of the week, I’ll promote the articles via Twitter and StumbleUpon.
To get things started, I’ve been doing some reading on other blogs and have selected 5 of my favorites that have good, useful information.
The Weekly Survivalist Guide, Issue 1
Week of January 12th
Family Sized Meals for Under a Dollar
by Surviving Economic Collapse
In this great and informative article, a father discusses how he’s been able to feed his family for 75 cents per meal. Among his tricks are eating local, buying more fruit and veggies when they’re in season, buying in bulk, and eating less meat.
Extreme couponing for survival: What you need to know to keep your pantry full
by Petticoat Prepper on
In this article, Petticoat Prepper discusses how hard financial times led to couponing – and how couponing helped build their stockpile. Petticoat Prepper also discusses a few tricks they’ve learned along the way about couponing, and the best ways to get started.
The Best Herbs for Pregnancy
by Rebecca Potter on
In this article, Rebecca discusses adding 6 “superfoods” during pregnancy to aid in keeping the body cleansed and functioning properly. The article ultimately serves to promote her latest book, there is still heaps of good information in the article alone.
Perma what? Permaculture – Learning to Garden Nature’s Way
by Survivor Jane
In addition to facilitating healthy #PrepperTalk on Twitter, Survivor Jane provides a wealth of good information on her website geared towards women and survival. In this article, Jane discusses her adventures in permaculture and the benefits of building your garden in a way that allows nature to do most of the work. A must-read for anyone starting a garden this spring.
How to Purify Water
by Unknown Joe
This is bare-bones must-have information for those starting out in the world of preparation! In this article, Unknown Joe walks you through the different methods used in basic water purification, including filtering, boiling, and distilling.
What did you think of the information in these articles? Is there an article you think should be featured for next week’s survival guide? Let me know in the comments below!
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